Wednesday, August 16, 2006


As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been reworking the CSS layout for onXiam. I've incorporated a more traditional style two-column layout which will greatly help me in the future in regards to screen real-estate for upcoming features.

While I was restructuring the layout, I also worked on unifying the look and feel of the pages a bit more. Usually when I do something like this I miss a spot or two, so I'll be keeping my eyes open for this and any "stragglers" will be fixed soon.

One thing to make a note of is that as part of this update, I have also changed the People and Sites pages to now behave as directories. You'll also notice that in the sidebar, I now have the lates people and latest sites displayed in their new home. As such, the link in the primary navigation to the "latest" page was just not needed any more, so it has been retired.

Take a look around and feel free to leave comments about the layout. Hopefully the "why" will become more apparant once I get some of the new features built and released. But for now, just know that this new layout is just step one in a multi-step plan.

Oh yeah, I ran out of time and I didn't finish a new look for the homepage, but that is coming too. I need to bust out a graphics program...


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