Monday, July 24, 2006

This Just In: 300 and Counting!

This afternoon, BrainSyke joined the onXiam community. And that was all it took to hit the 300 user mark.

Welcome, BrainSyke. Glad to have you here.

It's great to see the train keep rollin'. I know that you have all been spreading the word about onXiam via blog links and sidebar badges. Thank you so much! The more people that join up, the more connections we can make, and the more communities we can all discover.


Blogger Jeremy Vaught said...

Hey Kevin,
Thanks for the link to! I said it to you in an email, but I'll say it publicly, 'You have made a very useful tool here and I'm more than happy to use it, and if I can, advertise it.'


11:46 AM  

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