Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spam, Time, What Next...

Hi everyone.  Long time, no talk.  I won't beat around the bush, here's what's on my mind:  

  1. My job is taking up much of my time, and in this economic environment, I want to focus on that as much as I possibly can.
  2. Spam is just...ridiculous.  I cannot keep up with it.  Every simple trick I try to implement is circumvented in a matter of days and I just don't have the time to implement anything more in-depth, or to clean up the mess that the spammers make all the time.
  3. I haven't had time or ambition to develop anything new for the site in ages, and I'm starting to think that it may have just run its course.
When I started Onxiam, it was to fulfill a need that my mom had -- the need to keep up to date with me on various websites.  That need is not so big anymore, and in the days since I launched Onxiam, there have been many others who have done similar things with more time to focus on it.  Because of this, I'm thinking that it may be time for me to retire Onxiam.

For now, I've tried once again to clean up the spam, and as a first measure, I've disabled the "add a site" feature.  I'm going to kick it around for a while before I decide whether or not to fully retire the site...but for now I'll leave it as-is, with the exception of not being able to add more sites.



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