Friday, June 29, 2007

Mention on the BBC site

I think that a lot of the recent traffic here at Onxiam has to do with an article over on the BBC website. In the article titled The Tech Lab: Bradley Horrowitz, he mentions Onxiam about halfway down under the section titled Digital Lives.

What Bradley is talking about is exactly why I first created Onxiam. And as I've mentioned before on this blog, no Onxiam is not a "secure" solution to this problem, but in the meantime until there is some kind of unique digital identifier, I (and my Mom) needed some way to keep all of these online names straight. And as it turned out, so do many other people.

I just wanted to thank Bradley (elatable) publicly for mentioning Onxiam in the story! I've been getting a lot of traffic ever since, so thank you very much for the shoutout!



Blogger Unknown said...

I really like the idea for this service, but may I suggest a new feature? When selecting a site name would it be possible to have something like Google Suggest, where as you type different known websites are suggested.

Also maybe would it be possible to use the whois database to check sitenames and the like to minimise spamming?

Keep up the excellent work!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I really like the concept of this website, but I have a few suggestions to possibly improve it.

Is it possible to have a Google Suggest type feature when you are entering websites when you are adding identities?

Also another idea may be to cross reference the entered websites with the whois database too keep spamming to the minimum.

Keep up the excellent work!

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tumblr for onXiam seems to be broken. Nobody can add their Tumblr site.

5:34 AM  
Blogger Jeffro2pt0 said...

Just wanted to let you know that you may be receiving another extra boost of traffic due to my review Glad to see your still alive and I love how simple your service is.

2:51 AM  
Blogger Lewis E. Moten III said...

Spamming has really gotten out of hands with people choosing keywords as bogus sites.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long been interested in this topic.

8:58 AM  

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