Friday, June 29, 2007

Mention on the BBC site

I think that a lot of the recent traffic here at Onxiam has to do with an article over on the BBC website. In the article titled The Tech Lab: Bradley Horrowitz, he mentions Onxiam about halfway down under the section titled Digital Lives.

What Bradley is talking about is exactly why I first created Onxiam. And as I've mentioned before on this blog, no Onxiam is not a "secure" solution to this problem, but in the meantime until there is some kind of unique digital identifier, I (and my Mom) needed some way to keep all of these online names straight. And as it turned out, so do many other people.

I just wanted to thank Bradley (elatable) publicly for mentioning Onxiam in the story! I've been getting a lot of traffic ever since, so thank you very much for the shoutout!


Hello to all the new people!

It's been a long time since I last wrote to you. Here's why:

I launched onxiam about a year ago just before my girlfriend moved across the country to be in Chicago with me. In the time since then, we've run a marathon, adopted a puppy that was a hurricane Katrina refugee, and worked on getting settled in together. I've also gained all kinds of responsibilities in my day job, and spent a lot of time working on ideas and concepts there in an effort to do the best that I possibly can for my firm.

As onxiam grew, it started to get harder and harder to maintain with my ever-more-busy schedule. I continued working on new features but eventually found myself running out of time in my days, so something had to give. For a while it was onxiam. I decided that I would just let it run on its own for a while, and it's been chugging along ok since then.

Recently I've been working on some new features and an enhanced version of the it version 2.0. It's not done, but I've continued to work on it as time has allowed. Now recently I've been noticing an influx of people again, so I've been trying to find more time to work on these enhancements.

To those of you who have written, I've tried to write back when possible, and I will continue to do so as my time allows. Thank you for the suggestions and the encouraging words. And to all of the new people who have joined onxiam, hello and welcome.
